36 jobs that you can do from home.

Today everyone wants to earn online so here are some ONLINE JOBS YOU CAN DO FROM ANYWHERE

Here are the 36 best online jobs to make legit money in 2020:

1. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is another job that almost anyone can doAs a virtual assistant, you will work for a business or individual and perform basic tasks such as scheduling, customer support, and administration.

2. Take Surveys Online

While it won’t become your full-time job, download a survey app and completing them in your free time is a simple online job to make some extra money. The surveys are easy and on a broad array of topics.

Most of the surveys are for market research purposes, so they’ll likely be about products or services you use or know.

3. Transcribing

Transcribing means writing out audio or video files to text, and is an online job that still must be performed by humans since robots are unreliable.

Transcription jobs are often outsourced because they require a lot of attention to detail and can be difficult. The likelihood of you earning a decent hourly wage by transcribing depends on how quickly you can type and who your client is. Your earning potential will increase over time, but it’s still not a very lucrative online job. However, if you like working online and transcribe in an industry you find interesting, it might be the perfect online job for you.

4. Complete Small Micro-Tasks

Completing micro-tasks is an online job that’s about as accessible as they come. Almost anybody with a computer and some basic skills is capable of this kind of work.

A micro-task is a small task a gig worker completes for a company; typical jobs include photo tagging and captioning, surveys, keyword searches, data entry, and short editing.

Although not very lucrative, micro-tasks are incredibly flexible, and you can complete them from anywhere in the world. It could be worth considering if you want to make some extra money on the side here and there, or if you only want an online job as a temporary fix rather than a long-term solution.

5. Proofreading

Proofreading could be a better choice if you have great grammar skills but would prefer not to write anything from scratch. It’s also an easy online job that you can scale – meaning you can spend your time getting clients and then hire other proofreaders to do the work.

6. Become a Blogger

Becoming a blogger can be a lot more lucrative than most people realize. 

If you start a blog that gains traction and popularity, the earning potential is almost limitless. It’s possible to earn a six-figure salary from your blog, even if you stop creating new posts.

However, you can’t expect to make this much money when you’re first starting. It generally takes at least six months of writing regularly (at least two posts a week, preferably more) on a blog. It may take years. There’s also no guarantee that your blog will ever become popular, and a six-figure salary is certainly no guarantee.

However, if you have a strong enough interest in a specific topic popular enough to become a profitable niche, and if you’re not desperate to start making money immediately, blogging could be a great option.

7. Become A Medium Writer

If you opt to become a Medium writer,you can start earning money straight away. Medium writing is an attractive option if you can’t afford to spend many months or even years writing on a blog without making a profit.

Anyone can write a story on Medium, and writers are paid according to the number of reads and interactions their stories get.

The top writers on the platform make $10,000 or more a month, but the majority make less than $100. If you want to be a top earner, it’s necessary to post one or more articles every day over a long period – the more articles you write and the more popular they are, the more money you’ll make.

An advantage of Medium is that it gives you a chance to develop your voice over time instead of choosing a niche straightaway.

You could start writing on Medium and create a blog at a later date once you find your sweet spot of reader interest and personal interest. It’s also possible to use the same content for your blog and Medium, but be careful not to ruin your SEO when doing this. If possible, always post your writing on your blog first and then repost on Medium linking back to your original blog post.

8. Freelance Writing

Another way of using your writing skills is to become a freelance writer. There are a few different routes you can take, such as content writing, ghostwriting, copywriting, and technical writing.

It’s also helpful to have a niche, as this will make you more knowledgeable about your chosen field and allow you to make a more convincing pitch.

Content writing involves writing blog posts and web content for companies or websites. There is lots of work available in this domain, as many companies want to implement a content marketing strategy or rank more highly on Google.

It’s also an excellent side hustle for anyone who has a blog, as you can use your blog posts as samples to show prospective clients.

Ghostwriting involves writing for somebody else, who publishes the content in their name. Ghostwriting is a widespread practice for books but is also used sometimes for other types of content like blogs, speeches, and research papers. One benefit of ghostwriting is it’s typically a highly paid area, especially if you’re adding a lot of value.

Copywriting is another potentially lucrative option. When you’re writing copy, you’re helping a company to sell its products – it could be through a sales email, a product description, an advertisement, or some other method.

One of the most profitable niches is technical writing, which involves writing user guides and other documentation. Not many people have both the technical knowledge and the writing skills necessary to do this successfully, so if you’re a good fit, then it’s a great way to make money.

There are a few different routes you can take to find freelance writing jobs

9. Ebook Publisher

If you’re confident in your writing skills and your ability to market yourself, you might want to consider cutting out the middleman and becoming an Ebook publisher.

Even amongst established writers, traditional publishing is increasingly falling out of favor. Publishing an eBook and selling it directly on Amazon is far more lucrative as you can keep a more significant percentage of the book profit for yourself.

Although it’s possible to upload a Word document straight onto the Amazon Mobi generator, this doesn’t always result in the correct format. It’s a good idea to learn how to use the software required to get your book into the proper form for Kindle. Kindlepreneur is an excellent resource if you’re interested in learning more.

You also need to consider the design of the front cover. Unless you have some graphic design skills yourself, you may need to hire a freelancer to design it for you, which is an added expense.

Ebook writing isn’t a good option for anybody who needs to make money straight away; it takes time to write a book, and unless you have a large following, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to sell hundreds of copies overnight. However, eBook publishing can be a great passive income source.

10. Start a Facebook Ads Business

Over 2 billion people use Facebook and it’s one of the most effective marketing platforms in the world. It’s also one of the best online jobs and side hustles because you can run campaigns from anywhere in the world on your computer. It’s also easy to learn how to run Facebook ads and get certified by Facebook for free.

11. Create A Niche Website

The purpose of a niche website is to make money selling products in a specific niche. For example, you could create a camera review website where you write about cameras, and you make money every time someone clicks through your review and buys a camera. You can make money selling anything in any niche, but it’s important to pick a niche that you know well and are interested in, so you can create great content that gets people to your website and to buy the products you’re promoting.

12. Become A Lead Generator

If you’re internet savvy, then working as a lead generator could be a perfect choice. You can contact small businesses with no online presence and help them to establish one.

A great way to get started is by phoning companies in this position and offering your services.

13. Become An SEO Consultant

SEO (search engine optimization) is the art and science of optimizing websites to rank on Google. SEO optimization is an increasingly important field and relatively easy to master. Since many companies who will want to hire you are likely to know very little about SEO or they’re just starting their website, it can be easy to make money and deliver results using best practices.

It’s also pretty easy to learn the basics of SEO, and it’s a useful skillset to build whether you decide to make it your full-time job or side hustle. Pay is generally around $30 an hour.

If you’re a detailed oriented person, you’re good with computers, and you like the challenge, then SEO might be a great online job for you.

14. Social Media Manager

A similar job is working as a social media managerThis role focuses solely on (you guessed it) social media, so you’ll be working with companies that already have an online presence but need help with running their accounts properly.

Many businesses have created social media accounts but find it too overwhelming to maintain an active presence on them, never mind use them to attract potential clients.

They may even struggle to reply to messages on time, which is often part of a social media manager’s job. Pay is generally between $15 and $40 an hour

15. Marketing Automation Consultant

You could also specialize in marketing automation. Having an email marketing strategy is essential for most businesses, but it can seem daunting and complicated.

With a little bit of practice, marketing automation will soon become second nature to you, and you can offer valuable services to companies. Learning the fundamentals of software such as Hubspot, Ontraport, Aweber, Convertkit, and Mailchimp will take you a long way.

16. Become a YouTuber or Podcaster

Becoming a YouTuber may sound like a pipe dream, but the good news is that it’s still possible to make money on YouTube. Here’s how much money YouTubers make.

However, you have to be willing to put in a lot of work to make money on YouTube, and it will probably take you a while. You’ll need to pass a minimum amount of views and subscribers to start making money, and it’s hard to stand out in such a saturated market – but if you’re patient and produce quality content, you could make it work for you.

Side hustles such as YouTubing are most effective when combined. For instance, having a YouTube channel that links to your blog and vice versa is a great way of doubling your potential audience on both platforms.

To expand your reach even further, you could also create a podcast with the same content and make it available for Spotify, Apple, and Android.

17. Social Media Influencer

A social media influencer is another possibility that may sound far-fetched, but again, it’s possible. Social media influencers may get a bad reputation amongst certain crowds, but these are fast becoming the jobs of the future.

If you manage to build up a considerable following on any of the major social media platforms – above all Instagram and Facebook – then it’s only a matter of time before brands start approaching you to market their items for them for either money or free products. You can make thousands of dollars from a single post. Brands reach out to me all the time.

However, influencers need to be transparent about their advertisements. You also need to be careful not to appear like a ‘sell-out.’ An alternative way to earn an income is to set up a Patreon account and leave a link in your bio, which can appear more authentic if you’re not pushing it in the faces of your subscribers..

18. Graphic Designer

A graphic designer is a career path that’s instantly discounted by most people who don’t have a graphic design degree or an in-depth knowledge of Adobe Creative Cloud, but in truth, this isn’t always needed.

Not all companies need fancy logos created by skilled graphic designers – some need graphics created on basic websites such as Canva and PicMonkey. Graphic design and managing online images are time-consuming for many employees to do themselves, but if you have basic digital skills, you can easily learn how to do graphic design using these platforms. It only takes an hour or two to master Canva. Graphic design is one of my future proof skills worth learning graphic design no matter what career you have or online job you plan to do.

Of course, working as a graphic designer will be much more profitable if you are more highly skilled. For the most talented designers, the hourly rate could be as high at $100 an hour; however, if you’re only able to use basic software, this rate will be much lower. To learn more about how to start a graphic design business, you should check out the Freelance Tool Kit course.

13. Budgeter / Bookkeeper

Working a budgeter or bookkeeper job from home is a solid choice if you keep organized and have a good head for numbers. You can offer this service to either individuals or companies by contacting them directly or advertising your services on a freelancing website.

Expect to earn between $20 and $60 an hour.

20. Photographer

Making money as a photographer is now easier than ever. Due to the high quality of some smartphone cameras, a professional camera may not even be necessary.

You can upload your images to a stock image website such as Shutterstock. Uploading images to a stock image website can be a tedious, time-consuming process, so it’s advisable to upload your photos gradually over a long period.

It’s unlikely that taking photos specifically for stock photography would work out to give you a high hourly wage unless you have a particular knack for knowing which photos are most popular. However, if you already enjoy taking pictures and have a large album of high-quality images sitting on your computer, monetizing those photos is a no-brainer.

21. Website Designer

Working as a website designer might sound impossible if you don’t know how to code, but this isn’t true. It’s never been easier to build websites and all businesses need them.

Many companies are willing to pay someone who knows how to use a drag and drop creator since this is a cheaper service that offers similar results.

Drag and drop software such as Squarespace and Wix are incredibly intuitive and easy to get the hang of; once you master these, you can quickly become a specialist. If you’re interested in a great online job, learning how to build websites is an extremely valuable skill set to have.

It’s also worth checking out WordPress, which is a popular content management system widely used to build websites. 

22. Voiceover Artist

If you’re often complimented for how you speak, you might want to consider becoming a voiceover artist. As a voiceover artist, you’ll read a script and provide a vocal recording for audiobooks, videos, and film.

The demand for this service is growing as the importance of using videos for marketing purposes increases. There are two ways to launch your career as a voiceover artist. You could set up a profile and sell your services on a freelancing website.

Alternatively, you can join one of the multiple sites set up for voiceover artists. Some of these sites include Voice Bunny, Voices.com, and Voice123. Snap Recordings is a site specializing in telephone greetings.

23. Video Editor

As the use of video marketing increases for companies, good video editors are also in high demand. Editing videos may sound daunting, but once you get the hang of using one piece of software, you can quickly become a specialist.

24. Online Researcher

If you have an academic background or pride yourself for your stellar research skills, a role as an online researcher could be perfect for you. Wonder is a service that describes itself as a ‘personal research assistant,’ and you could be the one providing that research.

To get hired, you first need to pass a reading comprehension test – only 85% of applicants pass the test. If you’re successful in this, the next stage is to complete a practice assignment.

You can then go on to attend ‘Wonder camp’ and receive $50, then finally progress on to the role, where you’ll get paid $8-35 per question you answer.

25. English Teacher

Working as an online English teacher can be an easy online job for any native English speaker with an internet connection.

There are plenty of websites that can connect you with pupils willing to pay to talk to you. iTalki allows you to choose your rates as a ‘community tutor,’ and this platform is typically for adults rather than children.

Magic Ears is for teaching young children (aged 4-12), and you can earn from $20 to $26 an hour. 

26. Become A Tutor

Another potentially lucrative option is to become a tutor in a subject other than English. If you are highly educated – Bachelor’s level or above – then this could be a great option.

Chegg facilitates online tutoring via video call in a wide range of subjects, and pay starts at $20 an hour. Studypool focuses on homework help – students post questions they need help with and offer a price, which will vary depending on time and difficulty. Studypool claims on their website that it’s possible to make up to $7,500 a month.

If you happen to be a qualified teacher, you can also take online gigs, especially for teachers, such as GigEd.

27. Create A Course – Monetize Your Skills

If you know a topic well, then you should consider building an online course. I have friends who make over $1 million a year from the online courses they’ve created.

Teachable is my favorite course building platform and the one I’ve used to build all of my courses. Udemy is another popular course-building platform but doesn’t have as many features as Teachable. Udemy specializes in technology-related subjects. The amount you make depends on how many people buy your course.

Another option is Skillshare, which allows you to teach a broader spectrum of skills. You’re paid by how many people watch your videos.

The advantage of creating a course as opposed to teaching is that it creates a passive income stream.

28. Product Tester

One low return and low effort option is to become a product tester. Not all sites offer money, but Vindale Research and Pinecone Research are ones that do.

While you shouldn’t expect to make much more than $10 an hour, being a product tester is an easy online job to make money in your free time.

29. Website or Application Tester

It can be more profitable to become a website or an application tester. You’ll be responsible for usability testing, which means you check whether you think the site or app is user-friendly.

If you don’t consider yourself to have amazing digital skills, this could be an advantage, as companies want to check their software is suitable for people like you.

UserTesting claims you can earn up to $60 per test, while UTest and UserFeel both offer $10 per test.

A slightly more skilled job is that of a search engine evaluator – a company will provide you with guidelines to evaluate search results and tell you which keywords to search. You need a basic level of digital knowledge and an understanding of the functioning of search engines, but this isn’t a highly-skilled job.

Some sites that frequently have openings are Appen, Lionbridge, and iSoftStone. Earnings are around $12-15 an hour.

31. Quora Partner Program

A little-known gem is the Quora Partner Program. Not many people are aware of the partner program became it’s not open to applicants; Quora chooses who to invite.

However, it doesn’t seem particularly challenging to get invited if you live in the USA and regularly upvote answers, answer questions, and post queries yourself.

As a partner, you earn money by asking questions that attract a lot of attention. It’s a strange and unpredictable income source, but if a question you ask or answer happens to go viral, it’s possible to earn hundreds of dollars. However, you’ll probably waste time asking multiple low-value questions before you hit the jackpot.

32. Online Juror

An online juror for mock juries is another little-known job. You’ll be helping to prepare for the real trial by allowing feedback to be obtained. You can earn between $10 to $60 an hour, but it can be challenging to get jobs. Being an online juror is only for US citizens.

There are a few websites to find jobs: eJury, Online Verdict, and Resolution Research.

33. Etsy Store Owner

If you want to create the items you’re selling, becoming an Etsy store owner could be a good option. Etsy is most often associated with selling homemade craft items, but it can also include digital products like Etsy printables.

Because you’re selling via a third party, Etsy takes a cut from the profit, but if you’re spending nothing or very little on the raw materials, then this could be profitable for you.

One of the easiest online jobs is launching an Esty printables business. To learn how to launch a printable business.

34. Dropshipping

Dropshipping allows you to sell goods without physically touching the stock you’re offering. A third party like Shopify handles the products, the deliveries, and lets you list them on their website. Of course, they take a cut of the profits.

Shopify has a great drop shipping guide explaining the process. The amount of money you can earn depends on the value of your items, what you charge, and the scale of your operation.

35. Amazon Arbitrage

Another way to make money selling is Amazon arbitrage, which involves finding discounted products in stores and selling them on Amazon to make a profit.

It can be time-consuming and difficult to make a profit, but if you’re the type of person who enjoys searching for a bargain or you go shopping regularly, then you might be able to slot this into your routine easily and make a little extra money.

36. Foreign Currency or Cryptocurrency Trader

Becoming a foreign currency or cryptocurrency trader is a legitimate job that some people make a large amount of money from doing, but it isn’t well-suited to the vast majority of people.

Trading crypto or foreign currencies is a high-risk online job where you can lose a lot of money. Proceed with caution.

If you’re looking for an easy way to make a few extra bucks online, this probably isn’t the route for you.

Unfortunately, many individuals wish to exploit the lure of ‘winning big’ by selling courses or coaching. If you lack the interest and knowledge to engage in trading without a course, it probably isn’t a good way for you to earn money.

These are the some legit jobs online.

Beware of the scams online ,there are many sites which are scams .

The source of the description of the jobs is online.

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